Friday, November 9, 2018

Yield machine max 3 weeks in.

Here is a medical grower about 3 weeks and 4 days into his first grow, using the Yield Macjine max grow box.  
Some people worry of heat in this grow box, there is no heat issue, this cabinet is totally stock.  Growing extremely nice, only changing water and adding nutrients once a week, that is all you should be doing!  Thermometer placed under grow light will read upwards of 20 degrees hotter from UV and infrared LEDs. Check out some progress below.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

First time grower using yield machine max 300 w grow box.

First time grower using yield machine max 300 from Unique Hydroponics.

From seed to almost out of veg stage, this is a first time medical grower. One nutrient feed a week .  Messing to much will only hurt your plant. Just weekly feed and keep water clean as this user has.
Follow germination and sprouting to a t in our brochure, this will be within first week.
Two weeks later and one feeding , a nice plant will begin to develop.  Remember, feeding your plant more to enhance "growth" is not how you grow a plant.  Light weekly feedings.

Growth will really start to kick in, keep same schedule and don't mess with it, small leaves toward bottom will die off, this is not a cause of concern.  This occurs from healthy tips of plant taking in most nutrient they need.

Unique Hydroponics

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

More medical photos of yield machine max in action.

More photos of medical grows using the yield machine max grow box.