Monday, December 7, 2015

Recent photos of medical marijuana grows using our cabinets.

Grow Box Reviews and Photos
We have some more nice photos of medical marijuana grows from across the country using our cabs.
Here's one user using the yield machine max with dual exhaust getting great results so far for a first time grower not bad.

Large to small grows can both be achieved in our grow boxes.  Another user is in flowering stage inside the Ghost cabinet 3 foot box below.

If your in the market for a grow cabinet and not sure where to start, check us out at today, we'll help get you into a personal system to fit your needs.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hydroponic Medical Grows inside Unique-Hydroponics systems.

Recent medical grower sent us some shots, not bad for a first time grower.  If your a medical patient looking to save money overtime or in a legal zone, there is a affordable option available now from

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reviews and user photos using Unique-hydroponics grow boxes.

Real reviews and photos of Unique Hydroponics grow cabinets are available here.  With some medical patients sending us photos of their grows inside our cabinets, this is a place to view real results inside our growing systems.

Sprouts done easy and quick inside our system , here's some photos of some nice sprouts just starting to grow in the Kush Cabinet grow box.
Sometimes sprouting seeds can be annoying so luckily the kush cabinet seem here did a decent job getting them ready to grow.  With an 18 hr on 6 off grow light time regimen, more growth can be seen below.  This was done using the stock grow bulbs included in the box.

It's a learning process to get an amazing grow, but every grow pictured on this site was done by a few different first time growers, with no experience in hydroponics.  We try to take the guesswork and work out of your grow box system, allowing users to get right to growing upon arrival.  Within a few weeks the growth will continue.  Meanwhile , the growth can be seen to be a little denser inside the LED grow boxes by unique hydroponics.  Another medical user a few weeks into their veg stage below inside the yield machine grow box.
Sometimes, users are quite surprised of the growth they get and keep on vegging and loving the results.  Just be sure to remember to start your flower stage when your plants reach halfway up the grow box.

Those were some quick shots of what to expect in the beginning of your grow with unique hydroponics grow cabinets.  Check back for more results by real first time growers using our hydroponic growing kits.